A quick one today!
No, but really!!!
This week was a whirlwind with the release of Public Domain 1 and next week is Batman 125 so I’m all in a tizzy!!!
A classic tizzy!
With all that’s happening, I was thinking rrecently of this photo taken of me at a signing years ago when I just started writing Spider-Man:
As they say, “frown for the job you want!”
I’ve always dabbled in Batman over the years. When I worked at the newspaper I would jump at the opportunity to draw the character. This was, I believe, for an article about old stars doing the convention circuit, and I was like I’LL DRAW BATMAN FOR IT
And of course I Dark Knight dabbled in my spare time, with things like this classic re-working of a DKR masterpiece page:
God, I used to have fun
And now I write Batman for real! That’s fucked up!
The weirdest part about all of this is that I now live in the woods, far from humanity and proper mail service, so I won’t see a copy of Batman 125 or Public Domain 1 until September. It’s a very strange feeling to make comics and never see them. It’s like I’m sending them out into a digital void and months later digital people are telling me they enjoy them (OR NOT) and I just go on and write the next one on my little digital box. REPEAT UNTIL DEAD.
You bet!!!!!!
Anyway, it’s the beginning of a new issue of Kaptara this week, so I’m actually pretty excited!! Kagan and I have been anticipating this one since the beginning! I’m even going to keep it out of the paywall to confuse non-subscribers!
Chip’s Funtime Substack couldn’t exist without you! I mean, it could, but it would absolutely suck and be incredibly lonely. Your subscription enables me to make fun stuff, hire fun creators, and give you comics with the Zdarsky Touch™. So, thanks!
I will never be able to erase that Dark Knight page from my memory.
We are now finally entering the Zdarsky era of Batman. This is the beginning my friends. Hold on tight and embrace more shitting.