I’ve been in this business for over forty years now, and in that time I’ve made a lot of “industry friends.” What’s the difference between a friend and an industry friend you might be wondering? Well, a friend can’t get me a job drawing Aquaman, and an industry friend can’t give me any kind of emotional support because they’re all broken in the same way I am!
So, anyway, in our line of work we need to help each other do the most important thing in the world: promotion of comic books. I recently sent my industry friends the first few issues of Public Domain so they could help get the word out (I also sent them to my actual friends who were confused it wasn’t Batman).
They all gave me some great quotes, and I hope it inspires you to pick up issue one of my book from Image Comics in June!
I’m also here to tell you about the latest issue of NEWBURN! Issue five! This is the one I’ve been most excited to write. It’s another fun, done-in-one issue and Jacob just keeps getting better and better.
Plus! It features the first part of our new backup story, SPOOK-A-RAMA! Casey Gilly and Soo Lee bring us to Coney Island for a tale of delayed justice and goth teens! I love Casey’s voice, she’s incredibly versatile, and Soo is a beautiful storyteller who you may remember from the recent STILLWATER: THE ESCAPE one-shot!
Also! The CBC interviewd me about Batman and Public Domain! That photo of me is very old now. I no longer have a sparkle in my eye:
Also! Speaking of CANADIAN MEDIA, now that I’m the face of DC Comics, I’m legally obligated to tell my Canadian brethren that you’re now allowed to read DC Comics in Canada!!
IT’S TRUE! The DC Universe Infinite app is now for more than filthy Americans! I know I’m maybe a little BIASED, but I love it! Doing Batman research just got a million times easier for me! Did you know there’s more than one Robin? Well, I do now!
…I want to say … Mason?
LOL! This stuff about blurbs reminds me of a question: Who writes the little character intro thing at the beginning of each comic? The ones that say “After gaining special abilities from the bite of a radioactive spider, Peter Parker blah blah blah power and responsibility and became the amazing Spider-Man!.” The editor? Or the writer?
Mason's my favorite Robin. ❤️