As Kagan’s star shines ever brighter with even MORE illustrations in this week’s episode of Marvel’s She-Hulk, I thought I’d just use this space to brag more about how he’s my friend and actually a pretty great guy once you get to know him.
Here’s a video of him taking us through his intensive art process when creating Kaptara pages. This was a SUBSCRIBER-ONLY video a year ago, but I’m feeling generous what can I say??
So, yeah, Kagan is the best. Go check out more of his work at my Kagan fan site, and remember that he’s actually a really great guy if you just give him a chance!
Also, we used to share a studio back when we were both literal children:
How about a question!
Hey Chip, this is a question I’ve wanted to ask for a while now. Usually you always refer to yourself as “dumb” and “bad at your job”, but in recent years, it is hard to deny that you have written critically acclaimed books that are loved and annoyed by fans and critics alike. As new fans get into comics, and younger fans mature and become more seasoned, have you ever genuinely thought about the fact that now or in the near future some of these fans may refer to your runs on books as “their favorite, “definitive”, or even that some may refer to you as “their favorite writer”? Sorry to drop that bomb on you, but it’s something I’ve wanted to ask for a little bit now. I hope you have a great week!
This is very sweet, thank you. And, yeah, it’s a definite trip thinking about people liking my work, especially young people growing up with it. The first time someone said, “I’ve loved your books since I was a kid” was both amazing and also made me feel roughly one thousand years old. But Sex Criminals first came out almost ten years ago(!), so teens who stealthily read it and passed it around in class are now actual adults forever tainted by my work with Matt! WILD.
I’m by no means smart, but I can at least accept that I’m pretty decent at my job most days? It took a long time to accept compliments, but I eventually realized that if someone says your work means something to them, you can’t then tell them it’s actually BAD work because you’re actually insulting the thing they love!
But! That being said, boy oh boy there’s nothing worse than a creator buying their own hype. If you think you’re great? You’re done. There’s nowhere to go! If you can’t see the flaws in your work then you just won’t get any better. So I hope I can always see those flaws and always have something I can work on.
Okay! Enough of that shit!!! Here’s the next chapter in issue five of PUBLIC DOMAIN for my beautiful (inside and out) paid subscribers!
Also, COMING SOON: the next episode of Chipclass, where I absolutely lose my mind!