HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sometime the best band names just happen.

Sex Towel. Slow Climax.

Safe travels!

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Glad to see that your con tour is going very well Chip.


I mean, please do not mistake me, I absolutely LOVED the brutality and comeuppance that you had Matt deliver unto the Stromwyns there. The eye bit was ESPECIALLY beautiful, and painful to read. Not gonna lie, after seeing those two be nearly untouchable (save for Willy’s little tantrum in their office) I half believed they were going to skate away from this Scott free. Well I guess now they know they aren’t as untouchable as they believed they were. in fact thanks to Matt, I suspect they know just how human they truly are now.

Also the eye thing with Matt there...OUCH!!! But at the same time I couldn’t tell if they were his real/original eyes, or prosthetics added at some point. Cause I can’t tell if Matt just bloated that dude’s eye red there at the end, or if he took the eye he ripped out and put it in his head after tearing out his eye. And if that is the case, when did Matt get fake eyes?

Well with only a few months left till the end of the line here on DD, I really hope that all the lingering threads get addressed and tied up before Matt reaches the conclusion of this story.

Also slight Batman question: how long will it be till we get to see the fallout of Red Mask’s tampering with the Jokers, and the Trinity of evil he has unleashed on our poor unsuspecting Gotham?

Hope you enjoy the rest of your tour Chip!

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Ha! Matt had the one fake red stone eye from right after the big battle with The Hand, and yes, he put it in Mr. Stromwyn's eye socket. Do Matt took out his fake eye AND his real eye. GROSS

And there will be more Joker / Red Mask stuff down the line, don't worry!

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Haha. Matt really gave it back to the Stromwyns and the Hand with that Crocoite eye swap, which was well deserved. A bit bonkers Matt has essentially become the very thing he warned Butch about back in DD 1. I can’t wait to see what’s next. Will stay tuned for Friday: Same newsletter channel, probably not the same time.

Have a great time in the providence of SK today, Chip. Hopefully no one has Batman’s trunks in tow.

Enjoy Bat-tering your laptop and safe travels.

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Oh ok. I definitely missed the losing an eye bit during that fight. But DAMN that’s some hard core shit he did there. Quinn and Una are probably going to build an underground bunker/home now and never come out again after this encounter with the devil.

Also I know technically he didn’t even need the eye, but damn man, cutting out ur one remaining good blind eye...something tells me Matt has reached that point where he no longer cares what happens cause he has nothing left to lose.

Oh I’m definitely not worried about that Chip. But I’d be lying if I’m not eager to see what these three jokers together, or divided, can do against Batman after all he’s been through. I mean, Joker finally has partners he can actually work with that kinda get him...and that’s a terrifying prospect to realize.

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Can't wait to see you tonight at Comic Readers Chip! This will be the first signing I've ever been too. I'll be awkward and have no idea what to say and will probably try to make a joke that won't land and relive that moment over and over when trying to sleep, but yeah I'm excited!

If you're an icecream guy; Dandys icecream across the street from Comic Readers is local artisinal ice cream and amazing!

If you're a donut guy; Everyday Kitchen is worth stopping in to. They make fluffy fresh sourdough based donuts that are to die for.

If you're a health food guy; you'll like Saskatoon more. 😜


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Ha! Thanks for the HOT TIPS! I'll see you tonight!

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