Happy launch, Chip! Can't wait to read it all on paper! Real paper!

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As soon as I glanced at the first line of the newsletter I thought "Uh-oh, this is SERIOUS BUSINESS Chip, no funny stuff today"...

...and then I ended up watching you rappel down a Toronto building dressed as Spider-man!

No joke, your newsletters are always a highlight of my week because they make me laugh all the time. Thank you.

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Chip. I cannot believe I have never seen that video before. What a gift you are to humanity. Or maybe just to me. Sometimes I pretend you're just a gift for me.

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It's nice to have confirmation from the source.

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Thanks for explaining what “your spider buddies” meant in that video because I totally couldn’t figure it out from context.

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i'm here to help!

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I remember that rappelling incident, definitely one of your finer moments at the National Post... I miss fun news coverage.

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I dont wanna sound like a hipster and say " I've been reading PUBLIC DOMAIN before it was cool" but it is true. Either way CONGRATULATIONS Chip and look forward to the PUBLIC DOMAIN movie, tv series, shirts, tik toks and all that

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whoa tell me more about these public domain tik toks

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That Spider-Man video was the first thing I ever saw you in, 10 years later I'm sending you money via email. I guess this is a lesson to all comic book creators- slowly repel down a building dressed as Spider-Man and you will also get money via email someday.

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I wanted to tell you that you have much courage to have repelled down a 30 story building. Not many people can actually do that. Thank you again for Public Domain. It's on my pull list and I can't wait to read it in a physical copy. By the way happy belated Canada Day. When I was a kid I wanted to be Canadian because everyone seemed cleaner and smarter there.

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I read the first issue, er, through quasi-legal means, then thought "I read this already, he shared this for free," then thought "you're a monster if you pirate *this* comic," so then I signed up and read the whole thing.

I'd say that's the real Public Domain spirit, but lets be honest, the *real* Public Domain spirit would be having paid for the monthly subscription and read all the comics to just unsubscribe. (I won't though!)

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I am on issue 4 of Public Domain and have been reading it through Substack, but I am beyond excited to read issue 1 again in print. Congratulations, Chip. This book is something special and I know that I’ll follow your work wherever it goes.

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Congratulations on the launch! Amazing that the rappelling was 10 years ago.

And next year will be 10th Anniversary for Sex Criminals!

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