Jul 23Liked by Chip Zdarsky

I hope I never reach such a low in life that I’m just meaninglessly buying things just to try to resell them online for a little profit. No genuine passion or interest.

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lol the best part is that ZCN was FREE to retailers!

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Jul 23Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Lmao I guess I can’t be too surprised considering that fruits and vegetables are supposed to be free considering they come from the GROUND, yet humans still found a way to profit off of them

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That was a lot more Chainsaw Man than I was expecting!

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this is what happens when two mangasplainers write a book together!!

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Jul 23Liked by Chip Zdarsky

I really don't see how Tom Waits is being accurately portrayed in this comic, but I guess I just have to "read the whole thing" which is such a drag, man.

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Jul 23Liked by Chip Zdarsky

CHIP MY COMICS FINALLY CAME IN!! Now I’m finally about to read Batman 150, Absolute Power Ground Zero, and the Domain! They even threw in your comic news which I’m very happy to own physically! Ight ima leave you alone now

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Woo! Sounds like some solid retailers to me!

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Jul 23Liked by Chip Zdarsky

The first ZCN was delightful and I look forward to future issues. I don't know why you are doing this to yourself, but I appreciate being able to reap the benefits.

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I'm just trying to fill the hole inside me!!!!

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Jul 23Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Well, if you ever decide to publish a book about how to use your depression for fun and profit or whatever, I'll be first in line to buy it.

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Jul 23Liked by Chip Zdarsky

How many chapters will the DSTLRY series be?

And will paid subscribers be able to read your Zdarsky News on here since scalpers be stealing them all?

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I'll definitely be posting my ZCN issues for subscribers!

And TIME WAITS is three 45 page issues!

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Jul 23Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Wooo hoo!

I'm over halfway through your Spider-Man run and man that thing moves at a clip!

I do want to know where your interest in alternate universes and time travel came from. Are you a Back to the Future fan? Or was it just other comics you read when you were younger?

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A lot of it, especially with SPECTACULAR, was finding ways to get out of the way of Amazing Spider-Man. So, time travel and multiverse stiff works well for that.

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Jul 23Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Modern problems require modern solutions! Makes sense!

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Jul 23Liked by Chip Zdarsky

I finished the Spectacular run! And it was a spectacular run. That last issue is something I'd love to track down one day as I think it perfectly sums up the character and is a great way to introduce people. My one question is why do you think Teresa hasn't been used much lately? I think they had great rapport and chemistry.

If you never touch Spider-Man, at least I'll have this one amazing Spider Bible to read again and again. Looking forward to reading the miniseries, but not for first time! But now the art will look ginormous!

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Glad you liked it! And I know Nick Spencer did a bunch with Teresa, but there are a LOT of secondary Spidey characters out there!

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Jul 23Liked by Chip Zdarsky

yknow, now i kinda wanna write a comic about scalpers

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I was toying with something similar! A book called SPECULATORS!

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Jul 23Liked by Chip Zdarsky

hey, if you make it I’ll buy it! but if i make it first you have to buy my version

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haha DEAL

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Jul 27Liked by Chip Zdarsky

CHIP! late update but i just went to a comic shop in the middle of nowhere and THEY HAD A COPY OF ZCN #1! All my local shops were out! Which I guess means that that no one subscribes to your newsletter in western Massachusetts

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god i've tried for years to break into the western massachusetts market

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Jul 26Liked by Chip Zdarsky

My copy of the Daredevil omnibus just arrived. Took long enough, Marvel! I can’t wait to finally read it. If this one ends on a cliffhanger and I have to wait until f($&8in January for the next one……….i may need some more Newburn and Public Domain to keep me company.

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fucking MARVEL! Hurry up!!!!

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Jul 26Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Probably busy counting that ROM money

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Reams Of Money

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Yup! But we’ll probably get Conan the Original Marvel Years Volume 278: The Dead Horse in the meantime.

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I love that the y*utube algorithm tried to radicalize Blue and he slept through it 😂 I really enjoy how I never know what genre you’re hopping into next but these little jokes still permeate all of your work like a signature

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Aw, thanks! I was pretty happy with that bit

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Jul 23Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Hi Chip,

Thank you for sharing ZDN with us substack subscribers. The nerve of people selling them and not cutting you a check too. Sheesh. C'mon people, if you're going to sell ZDN do it right, damnmit!

Time Waits looks really good. Thank you sharing the preview. (and Blue reminds me of '70s Eric Brooks (an awesome bonus). Love that cover too.

Did you purposely pick that font to flow with the tomato vines?


Ah, my big beautiful copy of your Terrible Things happen to Matt Murdock omnibus 1 arrived. It's very hard indeed. I can't wait to reread this in larger format.



Looking forward to talking to you about the Terrible Things you did to Matt Murdock once Omni 2 arrives (Thank you again for agreeing to talk about all things DD with me Chip. YAY!) Excited to crack this open and make silly IG reels of my reactions with my DD toys (Sadly, I've gone down that path. I know...I know.)

I hope you are well and are mowing through those 18 scripts.

Have an awesome week, Chip. Thanks for another great 'stack.

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Ah! It looks so good with your DD toys!

I did NOT pick the font to go with the vines, but had the font first and realized it would work well with vines!

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Would you consider working art from Time Waits future covers into the logo?

I missed commenting about how on the nose parts of Avengers Twilight was with the US right now. So I will just say: May you have a utopian story to counteract AT planned for later this year. Pretty please?

More photos of the DD omni with my DD toys coming very soon. ;)

Thanks again for your great stories and fun comic things, Chip.

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Jul 23Liked by Chip Zdarsky

I would NEVER re-sell your free newsletter. Not in this market!

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Jul 23Liked by Chip Zdarsky


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I'm not going to lie, I was a little devastated by the fact that my LCS apparently got 3 or 4 of ZCN #1 and they tossed them thinking they were just other promo junk, I guess. You'd think they would have saved at least one for me since (I've been told) I'm more or less the only person buying your creator-owned stuff there. Don't take that personally though: it's a relatively small shop and most of the regular comics customers are older (and grumpier), with a few exceptions.

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lol amazing. They tossed TEN of them cause they came in packs of ten ha ha

Tell them to order issue two!!!

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Jul 23Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Oh, I already did! Told them about the code and everything. But yeah, I was not happy about that hahaha

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I got my daredevil book ! and its my damn 20th birthday today! I'm so happy! I'm gonna read it again n again !!! ty chip for blessing me this great daredevil run

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Boy oh boy, Chip. You really hate these characters like an Ennis hot flame.

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i hate ALL characters!!!!

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