Apr 17Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Mr. Zdarsky, upon reading the recent Spider-Man omni it was brought to my attention that not only there but in all of your work a certain percentage of it has been written with at least humorous intent. This has caused me to substantially revise my position upon your work. "Tally ho!" now say I, "That passage was a veritable trouser leg puller! I look forward to the next such witty turn." Avengers Twilight #5 was also spiffing. Sincerely yrs.

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I demand "The Professor and His Men" on my shelves immediately.

And a special "risque" variant at Indigo.

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Apr 30Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Hey Chip, i have a really great idea! What if you worked with Image Comics to get a actual movie made about Public Domain? Theres no insane CGI or massive fight scenes, so i feel like its definitely attainable!! I get the irony, because one of the biggest points of the comic was that COMICS deserve more spotlight and attention (which I vehemently agree), and alot of people abandon, and disregard the source material aswell as its creators to make a buck from the big screen, but i think a movie about Public Domain could actually work wonders. It'll expose the wider audience on what comic book creators ACTUALLY go through. 99% of people who actually read comics know the industry, and know how creators are undermined. I think it'll work great to push that message to people who dont know about what writers/artists go through. Just if you do it, PLEASE MAKE ME A EXTRA or just a one liner in the movie 😂

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Apr 17Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Finn Fang Foom was right there and you left it hanging.

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Apr 17Liked by Chip Zdarsky

dear chip,

another masterpiece of a newsletter!

"what if donald duck became wolverine?"!!!


"everything that has made hulk tired will be changed"?????!!!!!!!!

love it all! you are a fantastic writer AND sharer of other people's writings!



PS question: if donald duck became wolverine, would his name change to "donald wolverine" or would he have to change his first name to start with a W as well? what are the rules? thank you!

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Apr 17Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Ah…Avengers Twilight 5 > So happy to see that character rise up again. I hate fascists too. Right on, Chip. I don’t want AT to end, because it’s great -and- it’s your last Marvel 🥺 (for now.) I expect you to come back to Marvel to kill Matt Murdock a third time at some point…but I digress.

Darn, Disney dropped the fastball special by not following through with your genius idea about Goofy as a mutant. We could certainly use a different comedy foil than Wolverine. Until then, the Professor and his Not Sex Criminal Men will have to do.

And Star Wars needs your mirth, Chip.

Wishing you a mighty great week before c2e2. Thanks for AT and your always fun stack.

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Man. That Hulk panel is everything good.

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Hello! I just read an announcement that you pairing with Rachael Stott (one of my faves from back when she did Doctor Who!) to make The Domain. Will this be the official comic that our Public Domain comic book team is making? Will there be one-shots where you team up with other artists to make Golden Age / Silver Age style Domain stories? So many questions! I'm so sorry! I am very excited!

Loved reading Kaptara on here, will be reading vol. 2 again soon now that I have a physical copy. Looking forward to more from you! Assuming you are getting good breaks as well! I can be patient, I promise!

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