Sep 21Liked by Chip Zdarsky

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LETTING ME INTERVIEW YOU CHIP!!!!!! Would love to do another one iin the future!! And don't worry, i made sure to cut out the part where you said Ryan Stegman is secretly the greatest comic artist to ever live in your opinion! Don't want his ego getting out of hand🤦🏿‍♂️

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Sep 21Liked by Chip Zdarsky

I knew something was going on.. chip vs Ryan who ever thought of that?! Lol

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oh thank god

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The thumbnail choice is amazing.

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Sep 22Liked by Chip Zdarsky


(I kid, I kid. The sounding unhinged part I mean; I actually am going to try to make the three hour trek to CXC.)

I actually met you (and Fraction) for the first time at CXC in 2017, and my copy of Sex Criminals v.4 was the first one you'd ever signed (or seen in person too, if I remember correctly), and you gave me a sneak peek at some Jim Cheung work for Marvel 2-in-1! I'm not going to think about how that was seven years ago because it hurts my brain. Also, CXC's guest list is stacked this year, geez: you, Kate Beaton, Bryan Lee O'Malley... I'm gonna throw my back out if I try to take everything I want to try to get signed.

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Sep 22Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Also are you going to have any copies of ZCN #2 by chance? My LCS either forgot to order them or it otherwise got messed up. If not, no big deal. Coincidentally thanks to Diamond shenanigans I don't have a copy of Time Waits yet either, but it's supposed to be in this Wednesday so that should be okay.

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I'm not travelling with anything, but the local shop LAUGHING OGRE will be stocking my work there! Maybe they'll have ZCN #2? Sadly I gave all mine away at Rose City a couple of weeks ago.

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Sep 21Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Time Waits was so good. Mr. Brothers can sure write. And what more to say about Mr. To? Great fight sequences. Looking forward to next issue!

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Aw, thanks! And yeah, David is a real talent.

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Sep 21Liked by Chip Zdarsky

All batman issues made ? Chip what's your writing secret!? I need to know! Love the time waits comic , it was surprisingly good , my type of book is mostly romance n superheroes yk so it's hard to try read a non superheroe book i do wanna support my writer of his work n anyone but love it! Question, will you be continuing public domain arc 3?

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Ha! I did a signing yesterday with Jeff Lemire and it turns out both of our secrets are not wanting let artists down! And yes! Public Domain will continue in 2025 for sure!

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that makes sense but ik your still hiding more! :) , yay!!

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Sep 21Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Hey Chip! Do you feel threatened by Scott Snyder and Absolute Batman? If so, when can we expect you to slash his tires?

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Not at all. I currently have plans to make Batman even more swole than Absolute Batman.

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Sep 21Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Jebus, my Youtube is Chipped.

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Sep 21Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Happy 🦇 day Chip. May your signing go smoothly too.

Happy to hear about more Public Domain next week. Yay! Still laughing about Mr. Brown so I am excited to read what’s next.

Congrats on ZCN gaining more comics publisher advertising. When I have something to advertise, I will just throw* the money your way…

*Um, naah. My aim sucks, so I will politely hand the money over instead (more my style.)

Will definitely pick up Time Waits at some point. Like the theme and the art. Great interview with you & David too.

Also enjoyed the YouTube conversation (I can relate to the lost 20 minutes - I lost 15 minutes of an interview with John Carpenter because I forgot to hit the record button. My expression was similar to yours in that YT thumbnail.)

Have a neat time at the con next week & talking at Ohio U (Maybe you are a Professor of Salesmanship?)

I’ll be waiting for Public Domain 9 & your Creepshow story with Kagan.

Thanks as always, Chip.

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When I was a journalist my greatest fear was lost recordings. I always had TWO devices recording just in case!

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Sep 21Liked by Chip Zdarsky

chip i respect your decision to give a talk to ohio state but actually you should find a nice school in western massachusetts and give a talk where you reveal all your deepest darkest secrets

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Sep 21Liked by Chip Zdarsky


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Sep 21Liked by Chip Zdarsky


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