Nov 22, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

So I’m sitting here reading this with my morning cup of tea, and just remembered that I totally had a dream about meeting you last night! You were at some Con in Sydney unannounced, and therefore I had nothing with me for you to sign, but you agreed to to pic, and in the annoying dream way we spent ages trying to find the right lighting for the photo where we’re weren’t covered in shadow, but the light kept changing as we moved around so we abandoned the idea. In the end we settled on a handshake as you didn’t want to hug. This felt very true to real life! It was nice to ‘meet’ you anyway. :)

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first of all, I ALWAYS hug. Second of all, it is very much like me to show up in Sydney unannounced

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dear THE Chip Zdarsky,

this all looks THE very cool!


myq kaplan THE

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky


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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

So. This is what u were talking about when u said something big was coming after mindbomb. Well...consider my mind blown! How long has this been in the works?

A year one about joker? That’s a tall order to fill, following in the footsteps of other year ones from past years. And you say this will take place in two distinct time periods? But aren’t there 3 jokers? So should we have 3 periods of time? Course I might be missing things and this year one story won’t have anything to do with the 3 jokers.

Still, very excited to see what u have in store!

Also, I drew that cover at the top? Cause holy crap that’s an awesome cover. Very creepy also I don’t mind saying. Job well done.

Avengers twilight is looking to be shaping up to be an awesome new series. Just curious, has the issue count been confirmed yet? Is it 6 or 12 issues, I’ve seen conflicting information on that regard.

Very excited to see what u have in store for us in 2024!

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Yeah! JOKER YEAR ONE has been in the works for a while. I had the pitch in over a year ago, I think? And AVENGERS: TWILIGHT is six issues, 30 pages each!

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Damn, that is a while back now. Will ur year one story be harkening back to any of the classic joker stories told during the past few decades, or will it be all original content straight from you? By which I mean in the time periods in the past, will the events of famous joker events and attacks (killing joke, death of the family, endgame, joker war) be touched on during those early days time periods?

30 Pages!!! Wow! That’s gonna be some good reading. And when does number 1 drop in January again?

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I'm working within Scott & Greg's ZERO YEAR continuity, so it'll be original content, but working within what they set up! And I believe AVENEGRS: TWILIGHT #1 is Jan. 17?

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Ok awesome, so we will get to see what happened after Bruce’s fight with red hood 1 at ace chemicals. That’ll be interesting to see what he got up to while Nygma and Death were terrorizing the city.

Sweet! Meaning I’ll get to get an issue for u to scribble on in February!

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This newsletter was all well and good; I was reading along, thinking how it makes sense that Frank Miller would be a Chip Zdarsky superfan and then you hit me with a Sex Criminals tease???! You sly devil, you!

Looking forward to seeing what you’ve got in store for the future Avengers, the past Joker, and the future Joker too!

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I love the past and future and I hate the present!!!

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I’m exactly the same! The PAST is where the “good ol’ days” are, swaddled by nostalgia, and the FUTURE is when I’m super successful and rich and handsome, but the PRESENT is where I’ve gotta deal with annoying things like electricity bills and obnoxious neighbors and socks that itch a lot!

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

That clearly can't be a teaser for sex criminals - what did they do, rob a bank? yeah sure buddy

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Dear Chip Zdarsky

Your substack is consistently a highlight whenever I take a break from making stuff. All these books! My wallet won't thank you, but the part of my brain that feeds entirely on nerd shit will n

The early years of The Joker is an interesting angle I don't think I recall seeing explored too thoroughly! I'm excited to pick it up.

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Yeah! This is really going to focus on his like right after the ol' acid bath. Kind of a "Joker finding his groove" vibe!

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Ed Brisson is the best! And Andreas is the best! You’re all the best! (Does Lemire know Andeas is slumming with you?)

Many many years ago when I edited a campus magazine, the editing and writing part was super stressful but I loved being able to design. It was totally restful by comparison (even if I had to do it on a first-gen Mac using Pagemaker). My creative director hated me!

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Yeah, same! Except I had Quark ha ha

Designing only got stressful when it was two in the morning and we had to send the pages to the printer half an hour ago

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

....you won't happen to have any of those amazing headshots at LACC, will you?

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Ha! I've never actually printed any up! One guy printed his OWN and brought it to me at NYCC!

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So excited for JOKER YEAR NONE!!!! 🤡🤡🤡

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THAT’S SACRILEGIOUS CHIP!!!!! God would NEVER make a blood-milkshake in Daredevil!!!!! How “DARE” you!!!

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