Sep 20, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Is there a secret phrase you want us subs (subscribers of course) to use when we see you at NYCC? Something like "Hello Chip. I am a subscriber"?

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

I don’t know if it’s something you’ve talked about or are willing to go into at this stage, but you had mentioned several times in the past that your Daredevil was about violence, how it effects us, and the consequences of it. What would you say has been what your Batman is about?

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dear chip,

this is great news!

just when you thought you were out (no books at marvel since your last daredevil over a month ago) they pulled you back in (by accepting your avengers pitch from 2019).

your life is like a movie! what will happen next? (please answer in a future newsletter)



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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Is there a betting pool for how many folks show up with Chip's headshot asking for him to sign it?

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

i didn't even see the "real bad!" on the glasses, jesus christ

this is some unbelievable drip

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It's all fun and games till I bring you a nude nyc street dog on day three of the con and insist you choke that glizzy down for your fans

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"No Limit" book signing? Is that a threat?!

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CHIP! I hope to "see" you at the con in New York City!

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

as someone who prefers hot dogs with no condiments i can’t tell if you’re joking or not. are you in the pure hot dog club or not?

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

I was gonna say!: love that yr next to yr Soule-brotha! I'd buy that for a dollar!!!

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Wait, Bendis is not the longest-tenured DD writer? Huh. But Daniel effen Acuna!! Man that’s great. I don’t read the Avengers much these days but sign me up.

And I hopes to some God you’re wearing your headshot attire to the Con. It’s almost cosplay...

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Wow. Poor Mark Waid. Must be true because it's signed and everything. Maybe we should all send him our old superman ocmics. Doesn't matter if there's mildew, I guess.

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

YAY! Looking forward to meeting you, Chip. 😎👏👏👏

And subscribing to the Avengers mini.

I have Questions:

Will you be at Comic Sketch Art’s booth exclusively or at certain times?

Will you or CSA offer reservations for Remarques or a commission?

Or are you just signing books?

And the most important question & answer:

Will I explode? (No. That’s rude and messy, and I refuse to ruin your convention hot dogs, Chip.)

Oh, I am not surprised Charles is behind you being real bad (lt’s his fault your Matt had to deal with the Beast of the Hand again.)

Thanks & have a great week, Chip.

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I hope you enjoy NYCC, Chip!

Avengers: Twilight is exciting. I hope the trade has your new headshot on it.

Gotham War has been really fun! Catwoman and Red Hood is honestly not a pairing I've seen a lot, I've been enjoying their chemistry quite a bit.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky


Tickets are all gone and I don’t have time to book hotel or airplane flights without doing chapter 11. I’m so incensed right now I don’t know what to think...u better be sticking around stateside and hitting up MegaCon Orlando in February to make up to me not being able to get to meet you at NYCC.

Also, avengers huh? Thought Jed McKay was writing that one? U taking over already, or is this supposed to be a mini set in its own timeline? Like that JL series u did, where u also wrote one of my favorite takes on Hal Jordan if I recall right.

Also, I just wanna say, even as such a big fan as I was of ur DD run, if Saladin keeps up this same quality work he’s done with just this first issue, he might just end up beating u and mark for longest running DD writer man. I mean, no offense but that was a great first issue for a new DD series. Fun fact, there has never been a DD series apparently that has NEVER been awesome. It’s like the character is immune to the same kinda shade or flame runs on others like Spidey get hit with regularly.

Also, I’m actually rather impressed with Gotham war so far. Sure the normal trolls are hard at work saying everything and everyone is too OOC for them, but so far this has been more interesting than I was expecting it to be.

I won’t lie, I wasn’t sure what Savage was doing here, but I definitely wasn’t expecting him to be our villain. I legit thought he was just here to buy Bruce’s house as a way of pushing him further into Zur’s clutches, but it seems like he, and his spawn, have more of a hand in all this than I was expecting from them. Wonder what it might be that a 50,000-80,000 year old caveman wants, besides the nicest cave in the finest dirty in the world for himself?

Sidebar: does/did doing a story involving the multiverse worry you any? I mean I get comics do this all the time, but at the same time, having to work around the after affects of such things and how they play into events later must also be a pain juggling together.

Anyways, hope u enjoy NYCC.

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Thank you

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