Mar 26Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Congratulations on the Newburn run. I admittedly started following your work for the laughs, but Newburn (and Stillwater, and others!) is a great, very strong book with an excellent core idea. I hope you do more noir/crime stories. You've got a good mind for it.

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come for the chuckles stay for THE DARKNESS!!!!

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Mar 29Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Hahaha funny note..... But where DO babies come from and why DO they rob banks? 🤔

(Maybe this is sorta answered by Newburb finale, which was fantastic and beautiful. Some of both you and your collaborator's best. Thank you for sharing it with us.)

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Mar 29Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Newburb. Heh.

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Thanks! I'm happy with how it turned out!

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I got your big pink book in hand. I’m excited to read it for the first time. I forgot to ever tell you that Newburn was the first comic my grandmother enjoyed. She’s read a handful of comics, but she and I talked the most about Newburn.

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Oh, hey! That's amazing! FINALLY hitting that grandma demo!!!

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Mar 27Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Dear Chip,

I was going back forth forever about whether I could justify buying the three Big Hard Sex Criminals volumes when I already had the trades. I finally went for it (very happily) just in time for you to announce the complete paperback version. I’m afraid I’ve crossed some dark and dangerous threshold because I just left my shop with a copy of that sucker in hand. Please stop finding new ways to release this comic. I have no self restraint, and I don’t have the mental bandwidth for bankruptcy right now.



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You can always sell the previous versions???

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Mar 27Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Impossible. First I have to make you wearily sign each and every copy so that I can sell them for twice what I paid — LIKE A TRUE COMICS FAN.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Happy belated Sexy book release day (and what a fun photo of you Chip.)

Mr. Godzilla & Mr. Batdevilman creating in a tree,

Let’s come up with something sex-E,

Our heroes fucking stops time, so let’s commit crimes and go on a robbing spree!

(It’s too early here, so that’s the best I can do or don’t.)

I happen to enjoy your writing & art so I guess you will have to deal with it. 🙃

Will catch up on Newburn at some point, I appreciate the crime noir that you create Chip.

May your week be wonderful, Chip.

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Mar 27Liked by Chip Zdarsky

If you or a loved have had dogs I need your help: mine refuses to shit and I am concerned. I have tried baby wipes, massaging the butthole, multiple walks, a run and belly rubs. I don't have pumpkin pie canned stuff currently. The store is currently closed so I can't get any 😢

... this is Google, right?

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uh oh

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Mar 30Liked by Chip Zdarsky

The good news is the dog will be okay. The bad news is I will not be making it to your Houston appearance. Will you be in any other southern US conventions later in the year?

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Boooo! I'm sorry. All I've got booked this year so far is Chicago, Houston, Portland and Raleigh. Everything else is Canadian or overseas, sorry!

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Mar 30Liked by Chip Zdarsky

No worries! You're a busy man! One day I will make it to one of your convention appearances. Until then, I have the entirety of Newburn to binge now that all the issues are out!

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Mar 30Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Okay, this may be a bit of an X-Men's Longshot ©️, but I started working at a comic store. Do you have an agent / publicist person we could reach out to to schedule a signing? Even if it isn't for a year or more?

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I really only do signings I can drive to as the cost off flying hotel is too much for the shops or myself! If I end up doing a driving tour through the States though, let me know what the shop is and I'll add it to the list!

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Mar 26Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Thanks for sharing Chip! I look forward to diving further into more classic "Chip Bad Decisions". Indeed, how bad could it be? It's Good Friday, and to my knowledge nothing bad or untoward has ever happened on Good Friday (that's why its called Good Friday and not Bad Friday).

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please don't bite my friend chip on his soft little neck, mister dracula

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oh please this whole scenario is your dream!!!!!

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shut up and go wash your neck!!!!!

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ok sorry

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Mar 26Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Thank you for reminding him Tini, now we don't have to have that awkward conversation.

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Mar 26Liked by Chip Zdarsky

So my wife said, “Why does Connor McGregor walk like he has rickets?” To which I said, “wait until he’s now in every Guy Richie movie.” Lovely, family friendly movie.

Excited for the Sex Crims omnibus? Big book? No idea if my LCS ordered more than one! But sad to see Newburn fade off into the sunset. I truly enjoyed it. You and Jacob should do this again and again like Ed and Sean.

My kid just started reading the Failsafe TPB. I suspect I’ll be answering lots of questions about Morrison (and may have to email you some!).

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I've been walking around the house like McGregor. It's infectious!!!

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Mar 26Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Just don’t walk like that in public or people will thank you have an infection …

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it's not just the legs! it's also the shoulders brought up reeeeal high and the arms out!

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Why do I feel we’re going to see a sketch of this at some point! Some variant cover for Twilight 6 with Captain America all “I yam what I yam!”

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It's true! You don't read my newsletter. 😭

Joke's on you though. You won't be able to steal my identity now. (Someone else did that already this month.)

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noooooo (I'm sorry!)

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I've learned a lot about Transunion and Equifax processes and policies....so there's that. 😞

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