Jul 25, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Holy crap! I had no idea that the Bat of Gotham trade was coming out this soon! So excited for that!


And as we are reaching the end of Daredevil, I feel I must ask...are you ready to say goodbye to it Chip?

Also, solicits for upcoming issues have shown some...interesting developments during the Gotham War...have there ever been discussions about finding ways to keep the solicitations from spoiling things for the series at all? Or better at protecting from spoilers? Cause that October cover...there’s a billion thoughts racing through my head right now.

Anywho, great news all around for you boss man. Looking forward to all the goodies coming out this month and the next.

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That list of upcoming projects is formidable. I've said it before, but I envy your productivity level.

Congratulations on getting recognized for it with Public Domain! Well deserved - and really looking forward to more.

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Now I can say I can remember a time when The Best Comic Book Writer in the World would drag his convention banner onstage unannounced (and uninvited?) during random panels at Image Expo.

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Congrats on the Eisner and on the return of Newburn!!! I met Allison this weekend and she rules. Thanks for including the speech vid- a true Chipclass act.

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Hey Chip! Congrats on your well-deserved win for Public Domain.

Out of curiosity, how many judges do you need to pay off to win an Eisner, and what's the amount that effectively greases the wheels without boosting the ego of the judges to the point of thinking personal integrity is more important than money?

Also, do you think an Eisner has ever been used for a murder weapon, and if so, by who?

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dear chip,

this week IS bananas!

(where "bananas" i presume is short for "batman, comma, nanananananananana")

thanks for all of this! super excited to read it all! and look at the pictures also!



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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Amazing speech and delivery by Allissonn (sp?). Sorry to hear you were named Worst Writer. If you were Chip Zdarsky V, probably would have won, based on legacy status. Perhaps Tynion will be lured away by Hollywood as a "scab" and you'll have a shot next year?

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

This may sound stupid (because it is), but is the Batman in The Knight the same as the one in the Failsafe vol 1 storyline I'm anticipating reading soon? I find Bats and Spidey enticing but daunting because I'm never sure how to reconcile the timeline/cannon type stuff. Maybe there's a resource for figuring that stuff out that I just can't seem to find.

I've read a few Batman HCs and so far it hasn't been a noticeable issue so maybe I'm overthinking it too much.

Just finished Stillwater last night and had so much fun with it ☺️. Cheers

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Ha! I remember asking you whether the events in the Batman the Knight would carry over and you said nope, haven’t plotted out that far, etc. Along with the Eisner is your award for Best Supporting Actor in the Comments section. 😁

Loved that series so will certainly pick up the trade. And can’t wait for the Newburn, baby!

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

What's the issues or issues where Daredevil has that cool weapon and/or have you posted Marco's designs that inspired the action figure?

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Chip Zdarsky

Yay, I just received the DD & Elektra v.2 trade (and digital tomorrow.) Supporting this creative team by purchasing your DD run in every format I can find. I love it so much.

And I hope you & Marco were able to order King DD figures after my orders Chip. 😉 That has to be a great feeling seeing something you both created as a toy.

And may we see your Eisner victory parade with you holding the Eisner aloft while hanging out the driver’s side window of the Zdardscar (Or maybe Allison tied you down on the hood of car instead. Hey, Safety first.)

Congratulations on all these great things Chip. So well-deserved. ✨👏🔥

P.S. Matt wielded the double blade naginata in issues 4, 8 and 10. Sorry, my OCKingDDDisorder is ridiculous.

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You have no idea how delighted I am that I unknowingly read Newburn volume one for the first time at the exact same time you and Jacob were probably toiling away, plotting out the next storyline.

I finished it in one sitting and thought “I NEED MORE” just to immediately find out, more I shall have. That experience kind of let me feel how I imagine God must’ve felt when he spoke the world into existence or whatever.

And that list of upcoming Chip™ Products™ is mighty handy!

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So happy for you! Congrats!

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