I’m gonna take the extra savings and buy the Howard the Duck omni and pretend that is my Chipnutz reward.

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love the neil gaiman short story you two co-wrote here!

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(you've really captured his voice!)

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Sandman’s that good huh? Been on the fence with whether or not I check it out, but everyone I talk to seems to think it’s the cat’s meow. That’ll be interesting to see if it lives up to the hype.

On the topic of series you haven’t gotten to write for yet, I was re-reading some of your Spider-Man dialogue from your Daredevil run, and I don’t help but hope you will get a chance to write for web head again sooner than later, on the Amazing title preferably, whenever Zeb finishes up his run (which for the record I enjoy a lot(despite my gripe with a few story decisions made)). Who’s a fun Spider-Man villain you’d love to write? Someone that you’d never get tired of, and could go all day with them (if any such character exists of course for you)?

Finally I have a small Batman question for you. In the opening to your run, the vision of the three jokers, is that just a nightmare he’s seeing of facing off against multiple of his greatest enemy, or is that a representation of his greatest fear maybe? That this war between them is a constant, forever thing, that has no end for the two of them. In the past, the present, and future, he will always be fighting against joker till the day they die. That seems to be quite the nightmare scenario.

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I don't have, like, THE Spider-Man villain I'd love to write. I know it's a bit of a tired answer, but it all depends on the story! Like, if I had a great Kraven idea, he's be the guy. Or if I had a great The Spot idea, he'd be the guy!

As for the Batman nightmare: I'M NOT TELLING LOL

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It’s not so old an answer as you might believe. I suppose I am just so used to having those certain characters I love to read about in certain series (Peter, MJ, Felicia, Jonah, Harry, Liz, and Eddie for example) so I just assume that it’s similar for others as well.

In regards to the Batman nightmare question: I COMPEL YOU TO ANSWER ME PUNY MORTAL!!!!!

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I mean, a good example is Penguin. Before I got the Batman gig I never thought about Penguin much as a character. But as soon as I started thinking about him and writing, I was like "oh shit Penguin is GREAT"

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Interesting. Lots of other pro writers I’ve had the pleasure to meet have often said that their preference for certain characters have influenced stories they have written, but your method is the opposite. Which I find very interesting, in a non evil scientist stroking his goatee, kinda way.

Has there ever been a story you have wanted to tell, but have been told NO to, be anyone above you or whatever?

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Oh sure, all the time! Mostly it's because the story would interfere with other stories. That's the nature of shared universe comics!

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That’s a shame. How about your own stories? Have u had anyone doing something with another character that’s featured in your story, and had to either ask them to modify their plans, or asked them not to do it at all? I imagine when working on a series as big as say, Batman, that the requests from you in those circumstances may get a little bit more priority, seeing as it’s such a huge flagship title for the company.

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I posted this image i took at a local comic shop to instagram last night with the caption “the holy trinity” and my 60 year old dad who paid for 9 years of catholic school for my trans and atheist ass (why did i teach him instagram) replied and said “this is inappropriate” i still think it was worth it https://drive.google.com/file/d/15Gfiv-g7rk7g_hWJ49NcxK0C2FrboIpG/view?usp=drivesdk

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Ha ha I agree with him that it's inappropriate, only in the sense that I do NOT belong in that company!

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i did have to google “how do i share a link to a photo” to post this because i haven’t done that sort of thing since the myspace days

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Ah ok I was one of the confused emails so now I get it. I received an email saying my resubscription would happen soon — I assume it will automatically charge the lower level, hopefully!

I think I remember you saying you were donating your first year of Substack money, so is this the year you can finally start raking in the moolah?

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Yes! And I'm lowering prices and getting rid of the one super-profitable level because I'm an actual dummy who hates money!!!

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You should have one super-high level where if someone purchases it they get to call you “Steve” and you have to pretend it’s just because they know you so well.

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one million dollars

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Or you are actually an evil genus who plays at being a fool who actually loves money, and tricks others into paying him more, by making them think he thinks he isn’t thinking smart about how he handles money! ....or something like that

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How did I miss this "Ronald Snakean" issue of Cap?!!! Or the years there of?

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